AutoTestingTools Software and Services Pty Ltd

Integrate Cucumber with Bamboo and JIRA

Test Builds and Deployments with Cucumber from Bamboo integrating with JIRA.  Test deployments right in deployment plans in Bamboo

Test Builds and Deployments with Cucumber from Bamboo integrating with JIRA.
Adds Cucumber parser tasks in Bamboo Build and Deployment plan.
Parses Cucumber results as tests in Bamboo.
Creates JIRA bug for failed tests automatically.
Creates test result links from Bamboo to JIRA issues automatically.
Adds run comments to JIRA issues automatically.
Adds test duration to custom fields of JIRA Issue automatically.
Adds labels (passed / failed) to JIRA issues automatically.
Gets rid of necessity of creating framework to integrate tests with JIRA. and saves significant costs to create and maintain frameworks.
Marks build fail or pass based on settings if tests are failed.
Extracts JIRA ids from tags of scenarios.
Adds tab in Bamboo build summary page to show cucumber reports.
Fails build if any scenario with specific tag is failed.
Fails build if percentage of tests are failed as configured.
Fails build if zero tests are found.
Control status of deployments based on Cucumber tests results.


How to configure:

1. Create new Plan

2. Provide details and Select source code repository

3. Provide source code repository details

4. Source code repository task gets added.

5.Add Maven task to build/assemble source code to be download by source code repository task.

6.Add Cucumber task to parser test results in Bamboo and integrate with JIRA

7. Run the plan to see it working. Once it works, you can add triggers to run it based on time of the day, polling repository changes or depending on other plan. You can also create artifact definition to attach generated html reports.

Plan summary, history and statistics:

View Build result summary:

View Tests in Bamboo build result summary:

View log in Bamboo:

View Labels, Test Run Links, duration, comments to JIRA issues:

Issue Links and Comments to JIRA issues:

How to add Cucumber Result Artifacts?

Cucumber plugin now has Cucumber tab in build result to show all cucumber results consolidated.

Next:How to Install Cucumber Plugin for Bamboo

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